11 de abril de 2013


Kenor is a Barcelona artist who uses simple shapes and strong colors to create art in many different fields, such as canvas, walls, installations and even clothes.
Started painting in 1990, son of a sevillan painter and photographer, emerged into street art in the late eighties and decided to share his art, first with a barrio (neighborhood) L’Hospitalet in Barcelona and that the rest of the city, and finally – with the rest of the world. At first, Kenor was focused on more traditional urban art. Thanks to his fascination with typography and logos, he experimented with letters without a prototype. Later on, with a progression of Barcelona Street Art scene, his style and artistic expression also went through some changes. As Kenor says, he intended to “decorate the dead cities” – he used to search for abandoned, damaged and worn parts of the town that desperately needed reanimation and resuscitation. He became a sort of spokesperson against the greyification of Barcelona, and against the new laws which have come to repress so much of the cities previously active street-life.
In spite of that, he continues to produce, to revivify the city, his work is increasing to a now monumental size, covering walls all over the world.
Kenor tries to keep his work in constant evolution, to “re-create spaces of freedom”, submitting the viewer to “endless options”. Whatever medium he works within then, he wants the recipient of the image to be a “free player”, a player “able to choose and imagine a new dimension that allows it to grow”, one unrestricted by the image, captured by infinite possibilities of the line.” His films such as “Floating Points”, “Dentro de mi”, and in particular “Cualquier lugar, un dia cualquiera”, more readily display the connection between dance and inscription, the choreography of the image. Recently, at the Montana Gallery in Barcelona, he presented a project that “brings music to a visual journey, transporting melody using geometry, dimensions and abstraction.”
His artistic career has led him to cities like New York, London, Paris, Lisbon and Berlin.
Kenor lives in Barcelona.

Beats” 150 x 150 Barcelona 2016

Finale bass” 130 x 97 A mas B studio Barcelona 2016

States of Mind” 195 x 130 Barcelona 2016

Chicago House” 100 x 100 Vertical gallery Chicago 2015

Outside world” 195 x 195 Galerie Celal Paris 2015

”Irritant” 130 x 195 cm Sevilla 2015

Receptor” 100 x 100 Romero studio_ Sevilla 2015

GENESIS II” 100 x 100_London 2015

”Overdose” 195 x 130 London 2015

”Chain reaction” 130 x 97 Tribute to techno Dub sound from Basic Channel_ Sevilla 2014

”Incubation” 120 x 120 Sevilla 2014

”Polyrythmic Beats” 195cm_Paris 2014

“Le Lotus Bleu” 195 x 110 Galerie Celal Paris 2014

Astralasia” 400 x 200 For the exhibition PRISM_Paris 2013

kenor_Tranceforms  195 x 130  barcelona 2013
Tranceforms  195 x 130  acrylic on cavas Barcelona 2013

kenor New collection spray on canvas 2013
New Kenor collection 2013 spray on cavas biosphere Cosmic
Force Magnetic Droid  130 x 92  Oslo Norway

Presentation of these new paintings in le mur de l´art second
edition Paris 07 Novembro 2012

kenor_Desconstruccion-Energia 195 x 130
Descontruccion/Energia 195 x 130 Barcelona 2012

kenor 123

Dentro/Emociones 2011  300 x 200 cm técnica spray

Gotiklines  195 x 130 spray canvas Barcelona April 2011

Cuerpo/movimiento & los dos canvas Barcelona 2010 130 x 110

montaje miradas 2010
Miradas series Barcelona 2010

sueños paralelos 2010
Parallels dreams canvas is the construction of a face
with the dimension 133 x 11o Barcelona 2010

Floating points series Barcelona 2010

New arquitek series II Barcelona 2009


La Cité La Banane_ Proyect with Art Azoï _Paris 2013

Collaboration with Elise Herszkowicz ART AZOÏ project_photo # Tony Brown_Belleville_Paris_April 2013

Graffitiart magazine & Graffuturism project presents KENOR_NELIO_PEZ_Gilbert1 collaboration_in Stalingrat PARIS April 2013

Art Basel week, Wynwood district walls, Painting walls in Wynwood district (Miami), during ART BASEL week, since 6th December 2012.

ARD*POP*UP FESTIVAL 2012_Oslo_Norway

FAHR Festibal StrettArt_Delta de L’Ebre_Catalunya_Spain May 2012

Collaboration with H101_CityBilder Festival_Dresden Germany_October 2011

This project is conducted in the city of Lodz_Polonia September 2011

Vicious Delicious_Urban Forms Festibal_Lodz Poland 2011

Festiwal Murali_Outer Spaces_16_21 May2011_Poznan Poland

El tiempo de las ximeneas_Barcelona 2010

Gaviota_poble9 2010_

In this project merging four artists in search of color, the result is a big face_collaboration with Zosen h101 Gola_Reggio Emilia_Italy 2010


New KENOR collection 2013_Spray on canvas_Biosphere_Cosmic Force_Magnetic Droid_130 x 92_Oslo Norway


Street Art & Graffiti auction in Paris_ My artwork is selected to the Street Art & Graffiti auction organized by Art Curial, together with the biggest street artists from around the world (Obey, Cope2, Seen, Futura, …)

Kenor Swap 2012_o

kenor _Artbasel & grafuturism 2012
This new project takes me to the United States. I am going to paint a few murals in Art Basel, MIAMI on December 6th-9th. I am also going to take part in GRAFFUTURISM in SOZE GALLERY, Los Angeles on December 12th.”

P R I S M _ TANC PEZ PRO176 KENOR L’ATLAS FABIEN HULIN CHANOIR… Une exposition éphémère dans un lieu de production Digital Packaging_Commissariat : Fabien Hulin VERNISSAGE LE 21 JUIN 2013 de 18h à minuit…Paris

Participate in ARD*POP-UP festival 2012_Oslo_Norway & LE M.U.R de l’Art second edition paris 2012

Del Mural’Art exhibition_Espai Merce Sala_In side of Metro station Diagonal_Barcelona_28 March 2012 19:00 hours

1 de abril de 2013


Celso Mazu iniciou sua carreira pintando na rua nos anos 90, influenciado por um estilo de vida ligado ao skate e as consequentes derivas na cidade de São Paulo. Formou-se em Artes Plásticas na Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) em 2000 e desde então expôs nos EUA, Japão, Europa e em diversas cidades do Brasil. Sua trajetória transita entre as pinturas na rua e exposições no circuito fechado. Mazu é claramente preocupado com os diversos suportes que utiliza e a relação dos diferentes espectadores imersos à overdose de significância impregnados em suas obras nesses diferentes espaços. A constante reflexão sobre a própria produção artística nunca o deixou estagnado em uma técnica ou metodologia. Pelo contrário, segue evoluindo seu olhar e fatura sem desviar da linha característica de seu trabalho. PROZAK é o pseudônimo que adota em 2001, onde usa o símbolo da mundialmente reconhecida marca de remédio numa metonímia, que indicia a cidade, para responder às inquietações e saturações sociais no cotidiano. Os elementos usados na estrutura das pinturas fazem referencia a um dicionário de símbolos democraticamente acessíveis. O palheta de tons saturados nasceu naturalmente em suas pinturas, demandado pelos conceitos e metáforas surgidas ao longo de um percurso irônico e carregado de personalidade. Na série de trabalhos mais recente, a cor aparece como conjunto de massa orgânica pluridimensional, onde as camadas saltam do fundo dado pela cidade. A diversidade cromática de Mazu sintetiza o mundo saturado de informações e imposições por que perpassa sua geração.

mazu, também conhecido como prozak, cria murais e pinturas onde as tintas, imagens e pensamentos fluem ininterruptos, misturando-se caótica e ordenadamente entre si.
mesmo se construídos de forma sistemática - repetindo ícones, cores, formas, como normalmente se dá na cultura dos graffiti - os trabalhos desse artista nos atingem de uma forma natural, quase orgânica, como se fossem heras loucas e psicodélicas crescendo nos muros e prédios.
 by obvious

Sem título

Londres 2011
Milo Tchais, Stik, Prozak      Kids playing in the radioactive field!!!
Prozak Gdansk Polland
Primeiro post da minha nova pagina do face!!!!Esse ai foi feito na Polonia em 2011!!!!

serigrafia + spray !!!   tamanho A2

Prozak on canvas 2,0mx1,0m


2012- Fiend Projects, Antuérpia Bélgica
2011- I am Braziallity, Wicknhey Hack Festival Londres, Reino Unido
2011- Monumental art festival, Gdansk Polonia
2010- Graffiti em Recorte, Florianópolis Brasil
2010- Layers, Galeria Tag and Juice, São Paulo-SP (exposição individual)
2008/2009- Entre Oceanos, Memorial da America Latina
2008- (i)legitimo, Paço das artes, São Paulo- SP
2008- Brasil creative art session, Kawasaki City Museum, Kanagawa, Japão
2008- Ventos do Brasil, Teatre de sense gallery, Tokyo Japão
2008- Street-art do graffiti a pitnura MAC, São Paulo- SP
2007- Fresh produce 2007 gallery AD, San Jose, California
2006 - Spray o novo muralismo latino-americao, Memorial da America Latina, Såo Paulo
2006 - PROZAK X CIROSCHU, Graffiteria, Såo Paulo
2004 - Olhares Impertinentes. MAC, São Paulo - SP
2003 - Expo Catalixo, Galeria Choque Cultural Sao Paulo
2002 - Coletivo Rua , MAC Americana SP

Prozak   2011

prozak-noiz tim-tchais

Prozak florianopolis 2011


Prozak- Florianópolis 2011


Mazu Prozak, o artista da quarta-feira

A partir de hoje, o background do ObaOba será decorado com artes dos nossos sete artistas parceiros, escolhidos pelo nosso curador oficial, Billy Castilho.
São eles: Zeca Gerace, do Estúdio Xingu (domingos), Felipe Lopez (segundas), Ale Saraiva (terças), Mazu Prozak (quartas), Alexandre Hercoly (quintas) e o próprio Billy Castilho (sextas).
Como a quarta-feira foi o dia escolhido para a nossa grande festa de lançamento do site, fiquem com um pouco de Mazu Prozak e reparem no background, também conhecido como "fundinho do site"
Prozak começou a fazer arte em 97, fez faculdade de artes, conheceu uma galera e foi pintar na rua. Assim começou a carreira de Mazu Prozak, o paulistano criador da ilustração das quartas-feiras do ObaOba. “Me inspirei pensando apenas no tema arte”, conta.
Mazu se diz influenciado por histórias em quadrinho, filmes e pela vida – “me influencio muito pelo cotidiano mesmo”. Ele dá aula na escola Fecap, faz ilustração, decoração, vende quadros e define seu trabalho como “arte pública”. Quer conhecer o trabalho dele? Então clique aqui e acesse o flickr.

2010-mea deddoverde prozak dev

2501 dev prozak-2010

2501 dev prozak-2010


indoor 2009








Mazu Prozak

São Paulo is an epicentre for graffiti artists, so we thought we’d do a feature on Mazu Prozak, one of the most prolific and influential Paulistan graffiti artists of his generation.
Prozak emerged in the 90s with the boom of graffiti in the bohemian neighourhood of Vila Madalena in São Paulo. An environment where he discovered Pixação, a traditional and idiosyncratic tag scene originating from the city of drizzle.
Since 1998 he has been involved in graffiti and street art projects. “I always liked art and being on the street. So when I was at art school around 1997, I started doing graffiti with two skateboarder friends of mine,” he says. Upon graduating from the Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado, Prozak couldn’t imagine rubbing shoulders with mainstream artists “I just couldn’t stand the traditional art world, its elitism and frills, so frivolous and distant from regular people and society. So painting on the street was just a natural choice for me. I wanted to do free public art with no rigid rules where money and the art market have no involvement,” he mentions.
Prozak adopted the nickname of the famed numbing pill over a decade ago as a remedy for the social issues of today, notably those affecting his beloved São Paulo, a recurring theme in the young artist’s oeuvre. “It started out as kind of a joke, as though painting the streets was my own Prozak.” says the artist.
His work has taken him all over the globe including London, California, Tokyo and Antwerp. Last year he undertook the biggest leap of his artistic career when he set off to Gdansk in Poland to paint a ‘ginormous’ 36-metre high mural as part of the Monumental Art Festival, which you can discover in the following video:


Deddoverde,Timtchais, Boleta, Milotchais, Mea, Prozak- 08

Prozak-Tokyo 08






