1 de junho de 2017


RVB 1", Bas-relief, polyuréthane et acrylique sur châssis contreplaqué, 135X125X44 cm, 2017.

The artist use the human body in this research as a pretext to bring to his work the idea of quantum physics principle that considers the waves redraw the material, to paint this movement through a unique graphic language. The Artist compose a reticular system of geometric shapes sculpted such an ultrasound revealing the fabric of a dynamic anatomy, body architecture stripped both rich, deep and infinite, revealing a latent abstraction.
In his compositions, bodies are jostled about, represented in permanent imbalance, destabilized by a natural or human force. The objective is to reveal, through classical themes (The Ascension) or basic human emotions (selfishness or anger) human relationships and the absurdity of certain behaviours that typify our society.

By depicting these powerful yet fragile bodies, the artist expresses his own contradictions, but more importantly the complexity of human nature. Powerful by their posture and physical features. Fragile due to their many constituent parts. Vulnerable to the external forces identified above, these bodies appear on the verge of fragmenting and crumbling to dust. Ultimately, it’s a bit like stripping feelings bare. The poetry that shows through the colours, shapes and composition humanizes these robotized beings, these deceptive-looking “superheroes”.

Arromanches-Festival de la pluie 2012

"Human behavior" 2012
1,97m*2,70*35cm-Bas relief, acrylique et huile sur toile

J'ai l'honneur et le plaisir de participer à la biennale "Urban Art" à VÖLKLINGEN (Allemagne) qui réunit plus de 100 artistes dans 7000 m2 de site classé patrimoine mondiale de l'UNESCO.

L'exposition à la galerie Lazarew se termine aujourd'hui! C'est l'occasion de se confronter aux œuvres physiquement, c'est quand même mieux. 14 rue du Perche, Paris 3. Bon WE à tous! 

"Cerbères" 210x150cm. Exposition "entre deux" à l'école des Gobelins jusqu'au 5 mai 2017. 

My work is exhibited until April 22 at the gallery Lazarew, 14 rue du Perche, Paris 3. The great "Carrousel" (270X190 cm) to discover in real !!

Work in progress, solo show, galerie Lazarew, opening 9th march, 14 rue du Perche, Paris 3. 

A la gare de Perpignan... Très bon moment avec Alber, Astro, Marko93 et Skule. Merci à John et toute l'équipe UISC.

Dessin/Drawing: 50X65 cm, 2016.

Dessin exposé jusqu'au 16 octobre. #loftdu34, 34 rue du Dragon, Paris 6. 

Défense d'afficher" jusqu'au 8 juin au Théâtre de l'Avant Seine (Colombes)
"Le Boxeur"-Acrylique et aérosol sur toile-2m*2m-2013

Boxeur n°3, MEETING OF STYLE 2013, Perpignan, avec Hobbit, Djalouz, Skey..

Strangler in the night.... 2012. Oil on canvas, 130X116 cm.

MON NOM EST PERSONNE" (My name is nobody)
Personne 1, 250X200 cm, Bombe aérosol et acrylique sur toile.

Onde de Choc 9 (Shock Wave 9), 200X225 cm, Spray paint and oil painting on canvas, 2015. Gallery Nine5, NYC.



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