27 de maio de 2017


foto by Ignacio Barrios

José Luís Serzo (Albacete 1977) es un artista multidisciplinar destacado
por sus grandes exposiciones-relato. Post Show, El fantástico vuelo
del hombre cometa, Thewelcome, Los sueños de I Ming o Los Señores
del Bosque son algunas de sus series, en las que a través de pintura,
dibujo, fotografía, objetos, instalación, vídeo y la literatura como hilo
conductor, cuenta historias un tanto oníricas y con una trascendencia
optimista. Serzo trabaja a favor de un nuevo paradigma donde la belleza,
la armonía y la consciencia tengan su advenimiento.

Su obra ha podido verse en exposiciones de Museos y centros de arte
como: Casal Solleric de Palma de Mallorca, Museo ABC de Madrid,
DOMUS ARTIUM DA2 de Salamanca, MACUF (A Coruña), Centro
de Arte Contemporaneo La Conservera (Murcia), Kunstbunker Tumulka
de Munich, Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas (Madrid),
CEART (Fuenlabrada), Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Las Cigarreras
(Alicante), Freires Museum de Berlin, Museo de Albacete,
Centro de Arte SangSang Madang (Seúl), Instituto Cervantes de Chicago,
Museo de Adra (Almería), Fundación Botín (Santander), Centro
de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid, Centro Internacional
de Cultura Contemporánea de San Sebastián, MATADERO Madrid,
Kursaal Kutxaespacio del arte (San Sebastián), etc..

Su trabajo es o ha sido representado con exposiciones individuales por
galerías como: Galería Siboney (Santander), Galería Artizar (Tenerife),
Galería Gema Llamazares (Gijón), PAPER Gallery (Manchester),
Blanca Soto Arte (Madrid), Marena Rooms Gallery (Turín), Kir Royal
Gallery (Valencia), Moproo Gallery (Shanghai), MCO (oporto) o
Ferran Cano (Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona).
Su obra ha podido verse en ferias como ARCO, ART COLOGNE,
Art fair (NY), ArteLisboa, ArteBa (Buenos Aires), Artesantander,
ArtFrankfurt, ArteSalamanca, Art Los Ángeles, SCOPEMIAMI, etc.
Su obra se encuentra representada en multitud de colecciones privadas
nacionales e internacionales, así como en las siguientes colecciones públicas:
Caja Castilla la Mancha-Museo de Valdepeñas, Fundación
Valparaíso, Fundación Fernando Mª Centenera Jaraba, MEFIC (Museo
de escultura Figurativa Internacional Contemporánea), Facultad de
BB. AA. de la UCM, Museo Municipal de Albacete, Fundación Provincial
de Cultura de la Diputación de Cádiz, Museo de Adra, Museo
de Arte Contemporáneo de Genalguacil (Málaga),Teatro Circo
Albacete, Faena Hotel and Universe (Buenos Aires), Hotel Porto
Mare (Funchal-Madeira), Colección Norte de Arte Contemporáneo,
Gobierno de Cantabria, etc.

La Alegre Ciclopidia
óleo sobre lienzo  35 x 27 cm 2013

Juego de Ajos
oleo sobre lienzo  80 x 80 cm  2013

Blinky Rotred y el Juego de Ajos
oleo sobre lienzo  200 x 300 cm  2014

Una Sutil Invitación
oleo sobre lienzo  162 x 195 cm  2012

Linky Maya y Los Señores del Bosque
oleo sobre tela  200 x 300  cm  2013

Teatrorum Rural-Real
Óleo sobre lienzo    54 x 81 cm  2016

El Canto del Gallo Real
acuarela sobre papel  11 x 18 cm  2015

Visión Reáldica
Acuarela y lápiz sobre papel  11 x 18  cm  2016

Proyecto para un Vehículo hacia la liberdad
fotografia  42 x 59  cm  2015

El feliz expolio del Rey (de la República)
oleo sobre lienzo  195 x 195  cm  2014

El Lúcido Delirio de Rey ( De la Republica)
oleo sobre lienzo  150 x 200  cm  2016

Capitàn Roy Hope
oleo sobre lienzo  146 x 195  cm  2011

La Esperanza ( Del Marinero Peter)
oleo sobre lienzo  56 x 45 cm  2010

Valentina y Coraje - Joaco & Ana
oleo sobre lienzo  40 x 33 cm 2012

Gran Narrador
oleo sobre lienzo  146  x  112 cm  2010

Blinky Sumergido
oleo sobre lienzo  40 x 33 cm  2012

Un Thewelcome
oleo sobre lienzo  60 x 50 cm  2013

Martial  & Marian Amazing Stories
oleo sobre lienzo  60 x 50 cm  2013

Joan Miro es Thewelcome ( según Ferrán Cano)
oleo sobre lienzo  120 x 100  cm 2006

Maya y los Luciérnagos
oleo sobre lienzo  130 x 195  cm  2008

La Revolucionaria Maya interrumpiendo el Ensayo de los Luciérnagos
oleo sobre lienzo  230 x 340 cm  2008


26 de maio de 2017


ArlindoMaunde was born in Mozambican in 1969 and lives in Johannesburg since 1988.
Self-thought artist, he started appreciating art at a tender age, and since growing without artworks in his own house, was captivated by what he saw in other people’s houses – thus, the interest in making art started taking place.
During his childhood, on his way to school, he used to pass through MalangatanaNgwenha’s house (one of the well-known Mozambican artists)who someway inspired him the most.
Arlindo during his art career explored different medium, techniques and subjects, having explored the most pallet knife and some delicate brush strokes on canvas doing portraits and wildlife as subjects.
Recently he found other interesting ways in doing his work, one of which, the rough textures in his recent portraitsadding to them a unique sense of what he calls “the strokes of life” – “one needs to come out of comfort zone to realize the power within”. He said. Oil and Acrylic on canvas has been always his favourite.
He has featured in many group exhibitions in South Africa and abroad, and his works has been bought by many collectors and art lovers around the globe.

Arlindo Maunde is a self-thought artist from Mozambique who is known for his energetic portraits and paintings of wildlife. Throughout his career, Arlindo Maunde has experimented with a variety of media and techniques but oil and acrylic on canvas remain the artist’s favorite to date. Recently, Arlindo Maunde experimented with textures and discovered other interesting ways of creating his mesmerizing artworks thus opening a new phase in his artistic development.
Arlindo Maunde was born in Inhabane Province, Mozambique in 1969. He started to show interest in art in an early age and was often fascinated by artworks he has seen in other people’s houses. During the tender years of his childhood, the artist was particularly inspired by the residence of one of the most famous Mozambican artists Malangatana Ngwenha along which he used to pass by on his way to school. In 1988, the painter moved to Johannesburg in South Africa, where he continued to develop his recognizable style. In 1989 he began to paint professionally. On the same year, Arlindo Maunde sold his first painting, but it wasn’t until 1996 that he resigned his job of a delivery man at South African Breweries to become a full-time artist.